October 10th 2018

Monday 8th October - Bognor Regis Round-Up

Overall it was a good evening of 6 a side football in Bognor Regis on Monday which saw all teams in attendance throughout the night, the only exception being 'Stoked City' who will be spoken to accordingly to confirm their return on Monday 15th October.

Barearselona have been removed from the league after failing to attend their match for the second consecutive week.  This creates one vacancy in the league so if you are interested in joining you can do so now by filling in a team application form online.  Entry to the league is usually £25 but you can receive FREE ENTRY if you sign up before the new season!  

If you have any queries regarding the league you can contact Shaun at Head Office on 0333 123 2340.

We wish all teams good luck going into the final week of fixtures with Bognor Regis' premier provider of small sided football.

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