October 18th 2016

Weekly News from Monday 17th October

Overall, we had another excellent night of football, although we were extremely disappointed two teams failed to attend their matches, nor contact Head Office to let us know they were unable to attend.

As this is the second successive week that FC Lizard have failed to attend their match without letting us know, they have been removed from the league.

We will be in contact with the captain of Balotellitubby to confirm they will be back for their league game next week.

We would like to remind every team that if you cannot make a match for any reason, please contact Head Office on 0333 123 2340 and let us know. Although you still get charged the full match fee if it's less than 7 days notice, this allows us to arrange a match for your opposition.

Please treat others as you would want to be treated! 

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