December 21st 2022

100 not out is usually just a cricket score, or perhaps a birthday card from His Majesty. However, one Warwickshire company was left celebrating this week, as five of their members of staff reached a combined century of service between them.

In what was a remarkable feat for Leisure Leagues – the world’s largest provider of community sport – some of their longest serving members of staff all received awards in recognition of their achievement.

The quintet of stalwarts have seen the company move from an age pre-computer when leagues were mostly in the midlands and planned using paper and pen, into the modern era of cutting-edge technology to operate their worldwide competitions in multiple sports and on five continents.

The five, Head of Franchise, Chris Rowntree, Director Tom Nash, Senior Area Managers Shaun Biggs and Greg Allen, together with Andy Thorley, were all given engraved crystal glass to commemorate their achievements and according to Tom it was an emotional moment: “For us all to have been here that long and to have grown up with the business, as it were, is wonderful,” admitted Tom. “We are all proud to work here. To have been part of all the changes that have occurred, the way the business has grown into a worldwide company, in particular, is incredible, and I am sure I speak for the rest when I say it feels like being part of a family.”

That was a thought echoed by Executive Director, Stephanie Bullock, who said: “These five are not just members of staff, they are friends to us all, and it would be hard to imagine the company without them, and not just the five we celebrate today but a few others that will no doubt reach similar milestones and beyond. Here’s to the next 100 years!”

The five (pictured) left to right are Andy Thorley, Greg Allen, Chris Rowntree, Tom Nash and Shaun Biggs

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