High Wycombe Wednesday

SIGN UP NOW - High Wycombe 6a side Wednesday league
The new season starts soon - High Wycombe 6a side Wednesday leaguePlay on the brand new 4G Cressex Pitch and join the best league in WycombeLast 2 Spaces left for the new seasonSIGN UP NOW
Welcome to the League
As always we had a fantastic night at our High Wycombe 6a side Wednesday league.Team enjoy playing on the best in in Wycombe.We also say welcome to two new Teams - "Secure the bag" & "Romania FC"Sign up now for the new season and secure your space in the best league in Town
What a great night of football
As always we saw a great night of football at our High Wycombe 6a side league with all teams in attendance as expected.Join our league and play at the best pitch in Wycombe - Cressex new 4G pitchSIGN UP today and start playing
We would like to welcome a new Team to the leagueTEAM: GAMBLERS ANONYMOUSTeam will play there first game this Wednesday GOOD LUCK
Welcome to the new season
Welcome to our new High Wycombe 6a side Wednesday leagueWe saw a great new season start with all teams in attendance as expected.We are always looking fir new Teams - the league has currently 2 spaces left - if you team have what it takes to win the league, SIGN UP now and join the leagueSIGN UP NOW...