May 3rd 2022


Normal service resumed this Sunday in the Crewe 6 aside league with all teams in attendance apart from UoB Crewe FC. They did follow the correct procedure and notified us well in advance, so we were able to arrange a match for their opponents. They have also confirmed that they will be returning for this Sunday`s fixtures.

With the removal of Leighton last week, we do have one vacancy in the league and although we have a team on the waiting list, we have been unable to get in contact with them so the vacancy is open for all teams.

If you are interested in playing 6 aside football on a Sunday evening, we do have one space available for an immediate start in the league. We have also extended our current offer on this league, which means that entry to the league is currently FREE OF CHARGE and match fees the lowest in the area at only £20! Why wouldnt you join? With the league being 6 aside(9 in your squad) the cost is less than £2.25 per player!

All you need to do is register your team details online and we will be in contact with all of the details regarding your first fixture. However, if you reuire further information on this league, please feel free to get in contact on 0333 123 2340.

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