April 25th 2022


A good night in the Crewe Sunday 6 aside league held at the Cumberland Arena was ruined by the actions of 2 players from Leighton Security who though it was acceptable to verbally and physically abuse our officials. 

We are not like other providers and will not tolerate behaviour of this kind and the team have already been removed from the league. They will now be banned from entering any competitions held or played in association with Leisure Leagues.

This does create one space in the league but we pride ourselves on running leagues where all players and officials feel safe whilst participating.

If you are interested in playing 6 aside football on a Sunday evening, we do have one space available for an immediate start in the league. We have also extended our current offer on this league, which means that entry to the league is currently FREE OF CHARGE and match fees the lowest in the area at only £20! Why wouldnt you join? With the league being 6 aside(9 in your squad) the cost is less than £2.25 per player!

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