January 23rd 2018

Monday 22nd January - League News

It was a good evening of 6 a side football in Lichfield on Monday which saw all teams in attendance for their matches as scheduled and some superb football played throughout the night.

Lichfield Lions have now withdrawn from the league after playing out their 2 weeks notice.  However, we are pleased to welcome new team 'Don't Have a Kalou' to the league as their replacement and wish these good luck for their first fixture on Monday 29th January.

We currently have two team spaces available in the league at present, and are offering FREE ENTRY WORTH £25 for January only! As soon as we receive a completed entry form we will call you with further details of your first kick off time.

If you have any questions before joining the league you can contact Shaun at Head Office on 0333 123 2340.

We wish all teams good luck going into the next round of fixtures with Lichfield's premier provider of small sided football.

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