April 5th 2023


In a thrilling turn of events, Leisure Leagues' Birmingham Tuesday 6 aside league held at Lordswood Girls school and Sixth form centre witnessed all teams in attendance, except for Stone cold who cancelled at the last moment. However, the organizers were quick to arrange for Monday FC to stay on and play against Kings Heath Albion, ensuring a competitive and exciting evening of football for all.

The teams, which include Kings Heath Albion, BAASNM Bumblebees, and Charter, put on a fantastic display of skill and teamwork, delighting spectators and showcasing the talent of local football enthusiasts.

But the excitement doesn't end there! There is still one space available in the league, and Leisure Leagues invites both teams and single players to join in the fun. With free entry, there's no excuse not to come along and join the competition.

The league promises to be a fantastic opportunity for football lovers to engage in healthy competition and camaraderie, all while improving their skills and fitness. The organizers are confident that the league will continue to draw in crowds, thanks to the excellent facilities at Lordswood Girls School and Sixth Form Centre and the competitive spirit of the teams.

So what are you waiting for? Whether you're a seasoned footballer or a beginner, come down and join the action at Leisure Leagues' Birmingham Tuesday 6 aside league.

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