February 9th 2018


Due to a problem with the website, the fixtures are not currently displaying. While we wait for this issue to get resolved, please see the fixtures for this Monday (12th February) below:

Premier League

7.00pm Sporting Becketts 1902 v Lazy Hill Lions

7.00pm John Beans FC v Expected Toulouse

7.40pm Cowdenbeef v Exeter Gently

8.20pm Soccer Cleats Utd v Bandits

Division One

7.00pm Shelfield Wednesday v Leavemaarsealona

7.40pm Moggy's Mountaineers v Beercelona

7.40pm Boats & Hoes v Ajax Trees Down

8.20pm Paris Ganjaman v Parkstone FC

Division Two

7.00pm Gangstars Allardyce v Chicken Tika Taka

7.40pm Boomerwang v Deportivo Laca Talent 2

8.20pm Vegas Degenerates v Edwards Allstars

8.20pm Celsius v Hardly Athletic

We apologise for the inconvenience, and will have the fixtures on the website as soon as possible!

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