April 20th 2023


All the latest news for the Wolverhampton Monday 6-a-side League is direct from Our Lady & St Chad Sport's Academy.

A brilliant night of 6-a-side football in the Wolverhampton Monday League with some fantastic games throughout.

We did have two non-attendances as 'Oldman Asthmatic' and ‘Wolves Nations FC’ were not present for their fixtures. We will be in contact with the team in the next couple of days to confirm their return for next week. It is paramount all teams are there each and every week in order for the league to run as smoothly as possible, if you are having any problems with this then please be sure to contact you area manager in plenty of notice in order to help if necessary.

In more positive news, we welcomed new team ‘Murder on Zidane’s Floor’ who put in a good display in their first game. We wish them all the best moving forward as we head into the new season in the coming weeks.

Game of the evening in the Premier League saw a victory for 'Filey' as they beat 'Striker FC'. In a battle of two evenly matched sides it is always a game that could go either way, but it was 'Filey' who were able to get the win and confirm there place as champions for this season, congratulations to them! There is also congratulations to ‘Dangerous Darren’ who have confirmed there space as runners up for the season with a game to spare.

Division 1 game of the week was the 3-2 win for 'Bostin Bliston' over 'Straight Outta Compton' that takes it. In a well fought game it was the newly crowned Divsion One champions that ended the game ahead on the scoreboard. In another division that has been confirmed with a game to go we look forward to seeing how everyone does when the season comes to an end next week.

Division 2 game of the night was the game between ‘Take Notez FC’ and new team ‘Murder on Zidane’s Floor’. Great football was played between both teams and everyone fought hard for the win but it was ‘Take Notez FC’ who were the more clinical and therefore came away with the win in the end. With the other two divisions decided for the season the top two face off in this one in a winner takes all match to see who will be the champions in an already game of the week contender

The team of the week are 'Sean Dyche Brexit Ball FC' with a good win against 'FC Mil Funters' on the night. It's been a season of settling in but results like this will allow them to ready themselves for the new season ahead and feel confident that they will climb the table more and more. Good luck in the final games of the season!

We have a NEW SEASON starting at the league on Monday 15th May 2023 and only LIMITED SPACES to fill it! Sign up today to get involved in the best league going in your area!

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