April 17th 2024

Stevenage Wednesday 5 a side news 2024-04-17

Play in the Stevenage Monday football league powered by Leisure Leagues

Title: Bayer Neverlosen FC Clinches Victory in Stevenage Wednesday Premier League

The Stevenage Wednesday 5-a-side Football league saw a breathtaking finale last night, marking the end of an exhilarating season. The premier league division was lit up with thrilling encounters, showcasing some of the finest local talent.

Not In Your Mums Forest faced a tough match against Stroke Titty FC, who showed their prowess on the field with a commanding 4-0 victory. However, the standout performance of the night was that of Bayer Neverlosen FC, who demolished their opponents, Troll Campbell, in a convincing 5-0 triumph.

This victory secured Bayer Neverlosen FC's place at the top of the Premier League division standings with a staggering 16 points, attributing to their exceptional performance throughout the season. With eight wins under their belt, Bayer Neverlosen FC was the undeniable champion of the Premier League.

As the final whistle blew, the excitement and anticipation for the announcement of the top scorers of each division were palpable. In the Premier League division, the top scorer award was a testament to the players' sheer dedication, talent, and competitive spirit.

The Stevenage Wednesday 5-a-side league has proven to be a fantastic platform for local players to showcase their talent. The Premier League division, in particular, saw high levels of competition and sportsmanship. As Bayer Neverlosen FC basks in the glory of their triumph, fans eagerly anticipate the next season, hoping for another thrilling tournament filled with twists, turns, and breathtaking football action.

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