Milton Keynes Thursday

Weekly news - 16th August
What a great night at our Milton Keynes 6er side THURSDAY league. We saw all of the Teams in attendance as expected - we were only let down by WB LEIZIG.  We will Speak to the Team Captain and update the website if needed.Just a reminder to all Teams - please give us 7 days notice if you are un...
Weekly News - 2nd August
We had a brilliant night at our Milton Keynes 6er side Thursday league. Perfect weather for small sided football - as expected, we had all teams in attendance. The Specials had to cancel their game last minute however have confirmed they are back as normal next weekWe some great interest in our leag...
Weekly News - 26th July
We saw a great evening at our Milton Keynes 6er side Thursday league. Es expected, all teams were in attendance. We are looking for new teams to extend our league - if you are interested, please sign up and JOIN our league.
Weekly News - 19th July
We had a fantastic night at our Milton Keynes 6er side THURSDAY league. It was great to see all teams in attendance as expected.We are looking for new teams - if you are interested, please sign up and join our league
Weekly News - 12th July
What a great night at our Milton Keynes 6er side Thursday league. We had all of our Teams in attendance as expected.Benteke fried chicken & WestBletchley FC  had to cancel their game last night. Benteke fried chicken is leaving the league due to personal circumstance - will hopefu...