Scunthorpe Thursday

Player Cards
Now your league is up and running, you can log in and complete your individual player cards, which can easily be set up via Facebook at the click of a button! This gives you the opportunity to use some of the fantastic features on our website, such as selecting which nation you would like to...
Weekly News 19th October!
A great night at the Scunthorpe Thursday league, with all teams in attendance including our 2 new teams Sevilla Depression and Snorting Lisbon. Although both teams came out with a debut loss they are both said to be looking forward to the rest of the season. 
New team Sevilla Depression joining!
We have another new team starting this Thursday, Sevilla Depression are playing their first game against Pique Blinders tonight, we wish them the best of luck for the rest of the season! 
NEW TEAM JOINING 19/10/2017!
We have a brand new team joining our Scunthorpe Thursday league this week! Snorting Lisbon will be playing their debut game against Team Polski this coming Thursday. We wish them the best of luck for the rest of the season! 
Weekly Update 12th October!
Another great evening of football at the Scunthorpe Thursday league, with all planned teams in attendance. We have a new team on the waiting list who should be starting with us this Thursday! We have been made aware of the problem with the lighting, we spoke with someone at the centre last Frid...