April 7th 2020

The wait goes on...

This weeks update comes to you a little late, but no doubt you've all guessed the content of this article anyway - still no football at The Vyne School on Monday 6th. 

We really are all in this together, not a day goes by where we aren't gagging to get out on that 3G surface and put our foot through a small round piece of leather, but until the Coronavirus outbreak is under control and it is safe for everyone to do so, we will continue to wait it all out at home, just having to make do with some keepy - uppy's in the back garden or watching all the football replays being shown to us on YouTube or social media.

Please remember, the quicker we all pull together and follow what the government is asking us to do, the quicker we all pull through this and get back to life as we know it.


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