April 11th 2024

Altrincham Thursday 6 a side news 2024-04-11

Play in the Altrincham Thursday football league powered by Leisure Leagues

Title: "Fierce Competitions and Standout Performances in Week 12 of Altrincham Thursday Football League"

In the latest week of Altrincham Thursday football league, teams across three divisions battled it out on the pitch, leading to some highly compelling matches.

In Division 1, Brow Boys showcased an impressive performance, securing a 5-1 victory against FTJ FC. Oswestry FC also claimed a solid win against Themchester United with a score of 3-0. The Villagers gained an upper hand against Pint And 2 Es, securing a 3-0 win, while Sale FC and The Galacticos ended in a 1-1 draw, escalating the suspense.

Meanwhile, Division 2 was a hotbed of stunning performances. FAFO FC and Banchester Reincarnated ended in a thrilling 4-4 draw. In another exciting encounter, Finding Timo FC outshined Vin Petrol FC 3-1. TwoFourNine FC claimed a 4-2 victory against Thirsty Thursdays FC, adding to the drama. Finally, UnderTheHelmet secured a narrow win against Lambordeeney 1-0.

In Division 3, BIN SLIPPERS surpassed Expected Toulouse with a 3-1 win. Neil Ritchie VI and Al-Teaspoons FC ended in a goalless draw. In a shocking turn of events, Tip Army FC registered a massive 10-1 win against PP FC. Altys Finest FC and Stamford Rejects concluded with a 1-1 draw.

With just two weeks left in the season, teams are fighting to secure their places for the next season.

The top scorers for each division were Brow Boys (Division 1), TwoFourNine FC (Division 2), and Tip Army FC (Division 3). These teams demonstrated extraordinary performances and have set high standards.

As the season nears its conclusion, the excitement and anticipation are building among players and fans alike. As always, the Altrincham Thursday Football League continues to deliver thrilling matches, keeping the spirit of football alive and soaring.

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