Wolverhampton Monday

6 aside Wolverhampton
All of our venues across the Country and now beginning to put plans in place and set dates for our leagues to resume over the coming weeks, we are nearly there!We will be calling all teams over the next week with updates for your Area and we look forward to getting the leagues back up and running as...
Wolverhampton 3G pitch 6 aside
We were hopeful the government announcement this week would have a bit more good news and at least give us at a date to look at getting restarted, for now unfortunately our league is still on hold. Leisure Leagues have put procedures in place so we are ready to get straight back to action as so...
6 aside Wolverhampton
With a return to being able to play football not that far away and the country starting to return to a more normal way of life once again, we are seeing more and more new teams signing up for our 6aside leagues across the country. You can join the action by registering your team today before the big...
5/6 aside leagues Wolverhampton
Although our Wolverhampton 6aside leagues are not currently running due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, don't worry we are still here to be contacted with any issues you may have. Nobody can be sure when life will get back to normal, but rest assured when it does we will be ready, and our...
6 aside Wolverhampton
As you’re sat at home on lockdown – wishing your 6 a side league was on at the moment, no doubt – we can at least brighten up your day in other ways.In these unprecedented times, Leisure Leagues are happy to introduce this brand new feature which will allow you and your team to fully customise your...