Kidderminster Sunday

Player Cards
Now your league is up and running, you can log in and complete your individual player cards, which can easily be set up via Facebook at the click of a button! This gives you the opportunity to use some of the fantastic features on our website, such as selecting which nation you would lik...
Goals Galore
Kidderminster Sunday turned into a goal fest last night with all teams scoring in some top notch games.Inter Your Nan produced the performance of the night with a comfortable 5-1 win against No Fuchs Given. Other results saw Red Star Bellends and Borussia Teeth win, with Expected Toulouse...
New Devices
Welcome to the brand new Leisure Leagues website!  The new site gives you access to all new player functions including changing team and players nationalities, uploading individual player cards, selecting your player ratings and joining the transfer market.  From a team’s perspecti...
Don't Forget To Fill In Your Player Card!
Now your league is up and running, you can log in and complete your individual player cards, which can easily be set up via Facebook at the click of a button! This gives you the opportunity to use some of the fantastic features on our website, such as selecting which nation you would like to...
Old Farts secure first points
Old Farts secured their first points of the season with a hard fought draw against Dr Bongo as Phil Carter starred for Old Farts. Inter maintained their impressive start to the season with a narrow victory against Red Star keeping their 100% win record intact. Elsewhere Exeter kept the pre...